Compelling Compassion

My Dear Sister in Christ,
I am acutely aware that it has been a long while since we last sat down together to share our hearts, whether that be our joys or our sorrows. Nevertheless you have been on my mind. The trials which you are enduring have been what I mostly think of and I must admit it causes my heart to become heavy as I think of you in this trial. The Holy Spirit has graciously reminded me that my thoughts are to be taken captive by my Savior. So, with the acknowledgement that He is far greater than I, and with the submission to His wisdom rather than my own, I am praying for you.
My prayer is that you will know the compassion of Christ as you did when you were first given faith to believe. Your heart was enlarged and stirred by the compassionate Savior who gave you a new heart. A heart that melted at the very thought of His love, which in turn gave you the power to practice your faith.
This same compassionate Savior remains in you today. He knows you are weary and He has not forgotten you. This compassionate Savior has promised to never leave you or forsake you and He has also promised to complete the good work in you that He began! (2 Corinthians 16-18; Philippians 1:6) How glorious is that?
As you rely on Him dear sister, and His compassion for you, the peace that passes all understanding will be yours and His glory will be made known through you. Through this trial His compassion will be your compassion so that you may have compassion for those He ordains to come into your life. His compassion compels us to be compassionate to others so that His glory is revealed like that of a spark that catches fire and spreads quickly. (2 Corinthians 4:15)
This is one of the most blessed truths of Christ and how it takes place over and over again in the lives of believers is truly amazing. “And His praise goes on!” as a song once said.  May your compassionate Savior powerfully evoke His compassion within you!

Your Sister in Christ,
