Disappointment and God’s Way


Dear sister,

Last night I was supposed to go dancing but my prolonged sickness flared up and there was so much that needed to be done around the house that I had to stay home, help out and finally get some much needed rest. Having waited all week to go to this dancing event I was very disappointed that I was not able to go. In a façade of contentment I told myself that God knows best and there was a reason I was at home sick and not out driving to dance class. Dear one, I think many times we are so concerned about our own needs and our own wants that we place them far above the will of God. We pretend to be content in His sovereignty but in our hearts we are dissatisfied and tell God that we can take it from here. Ha! How arrogant we are to think that we are more equipped and more able to manage our lives than God is.

 Dear sister, there is no doubt in my mind that at the very moment we try to take control over our lives is when they start to fall apart. Then, when they do we get angry with God and ask Him why He’s letting it happen! Dear one, if you have taken the reins from God, give them back. He will not slumber or sleep. He is your keeper and the shade of your right hand. He will keep you from all evil; He will keep your life (Ps. 121:3-7). This means that He can be trusted with your entire life! Confess to Him that you have been dissatisfied in His will and more concerned with your own purposes rather than His and remember that He has promised us that if we love Him, He will work all things together for good (Rom. 8:28).

The next time you find yourself disappointed because something did not go your way, remember that it did go God’s way. And though we may not understand it now, His way will always lead to good, not evil. Rest in that truth daily, dear one.

Your sister,
