Let Us Choose Freedom

Dear sister,

I thought of you last night, as hubby and I did our evening reading.  J.R.R. Tolkien’s, The Hobbit was the impetus.  But first, some back-story…Bilbo Baggins is the main character in this delightful story, and at the start of the book, he reluctantly agrees to embark on a treacherous journey with some new acquaintances, 13 dwarves, and a wizard, Gandalf.  The goal?  To claim the treasure that has been passed on to the dwarves–if they can make it through Mirkwood forest and past the dragon.  At many points along the journey, Bilbo wishes that he never agreed to this.  But {spoiler alert!} once he acquires the ring, and learns that it will provide invisibility; he becomes quite a leader among his fellow travelers.  He is able to help them through many a pinch, and the incident we’ll discuss is no different.  The problem is that the dwarves are not that excited about his method of escape from their current dilemma:  capture by the Elvish King. 

”Bilbo saw that the time had come to explain his idea, as far as he could; but he did not feel at all sure how the dwarves would take it.  His fears were quite justified, for they did not like it a bit, and started grumbling loudly in spite of their danger.  ‘We shall be bruised and battered to pieces, and drowned too, for certain”‘ they muttered.  ‘We thought you had got some sensible notion, when you managed to get hold of the keys.  This is a mad idea!’ ‘Very well’! said Bilbo very downcast, and also rather annoyed.  ‘Come along back to your nice cells, and I will lock you all in again, and you can sit there comfortably and think of a better plan–but don’t suppose I shall ever get hold of the keys again, even if I feel inclined to try.”

Perhaps you see the corollary?  At times, I see myself in the same situation as the dwarves…hearing the Lord’s voice leading me out of a current entrapment with sin…{have you been trapped in sin, sister?}.  Isn’t it easier to remain trapped, than it is to risk freedom, and the treacherous path to get there?  We choose the comfortable, but deadly route, when freedom is right around the corner, beckoning us to come near.  I have chosen my imprisonment far too many times.  

As Christians, we are all moving from death to life, through the process of sanctification; we face trials and circumstances that we would rather avoid. But these very trials (and joys) will be a part of the training ground our Father has planned for us.  What about you?  What lays ahead for you?  May I challenge you to turn your mind to the battle that Christ won on the cross? Galatians 5:1:  “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Freedom is yours dear sister, if you will accept the journey…even if reluctantly, like Bilbo.

Fighting with you,

Take Heart My Battle Weary Sister

Dear sister,

I remember the last time we talked you mentioned you were dealing with a particular sin in your life and tonight you feel like your progress in putting it to death has been slow and unfruitful. After all it’s been two years since you were made aware of your sin and the Lord in His kindness led you to repentance. Yet here you are, still repenting of and still slipping back into the sin you are trying so hard to destroy. The cycle seems endless.

Dear one, I am here to remind you (and myself!) or perhaps tell you for the first time that your pursuit is not hopeless and the cycle is not endless. One day, the Lord will wipe every tear from our eyes and we will be free from all unrighteousness, perfectly spotless, standing in the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Therefore, dear sister, because of this hope we have in Christ, continue to confess your sin to God for He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin (I John 1:9). Remember that when Christ died on the cross he paid for every sin we would ever commit past, present, and future. Christ took the wrath of God for you. This means, dear one, that if you are in Christ there is no wrath…none. It’s gone! Christ took it all. All that is left for you is His flowing streams of forgiveness and His mercies that are new every day. So dearest sister, remember that the sin you are fighting is paid for and that Christ died so that we could have freedom from sin, meaning your fight is not in vain. Therefore, continue training yourself in righteousness and do not lose heart. Though you may lose the battle, Christ has already won the war. And no matter how many battles you win or lose, you are Christ’s.

“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

In Christ’s unfailing love,
