Pastures, Cows, Milk and Contentment

Dear Sister,
I remember a quote from Wendell Calder almost 20 years ago during the first sermon I heard at Bible College, “Carnation Condensed Milk, the milk from contented cows”.  He was remarking how much better milk would taste from a contented cow grazing on green pastures with all its needs met.  I agree.  I would much rather drink milk from a cow that was content than one that was not content.

But what is contentment?  Paul remarks that he had learned to be content in all circumstances of life (green pastures or not) when he wrote to the Philippians in a jail cell (Phil 4:11).  We also know that godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Tim 6:6).  But what is it and how do I get it (green pastures or not)?  The dictionary defines it as “satisfaction”.  I like that.  Satisfaction.  What with and when am I satisfied?  When my daughter is giving me a big gummy smile?  When my husband and I are relaxed with our feet up on the couch watching a TV show before the end of another busy day?  When I have the perfect cup of coffee complimented by a morsel of dark chocolate?  Mmmm…satisfaction…contentment.  Is that what it means?

It has to be more than that as not all of us can experience those things.  Not all of us are married or blessed with children.  Not all of us have a husband that we want to snuggle up to.  Not all of us like coffee and most of us need to be off of chocolate.  So how can we women be contentment when we have an argument with our husbands, our babies are crying, or a loved one dies?  Is it an impossible thing?  It is without Christ.

Paul has it right in Philippians when he says that his contentment comes from Christ who strengthens him (Phil 4:13).  We can’t be content in our own strength (green pastures or not).  On this earth we will never be satisfied or content because it is not our home.  Praise God we have hope of satisfaction and contentment for eternity with Christ, which begins the moment we trust in Jesus!  Our contentment is IN Jesus Christ and what He accomplished on the cross; the forgiveness of our sins.  When Christ is enough for us, we will be content in all things (green pastures or not).  When is it that you feel most satisfied?  I’m not sure about you sister, but for me, it is when I have completed what I was supposed to for the day.  How much more content we would be if we knew and completed our purpose in life.  So what is this purpose of life?  To glorify God and enjoy him forever!  John Piper says, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”  So not only will we have contentment, we will glorify God!

So sweet sister, are you content with Christ?  Is Christ enough for you?  Do you need Christ plus happy children to be satisfied?  Do you need Christ plus a good marriage to be content?  Can you glorify God in what you do each day from breakfast to brushed teeth?

I think back to that contented cow and how much I would want that milk over an unsatisfied cow’s milk.  When we drink of Christ, though the bitterness of this world slams on us, people will see our contentment and want to be a part of it.  Sweet sister, what does your label read?

Your Satisfied Sister,
