Red Hair and Roses

Dear Sister,

I have red hair.  I don’t think about having red hair as I’ve had it since I was born.  Every once in awhile someone will comment on it making me appreciate the gift the Lord has given me.  I am sure that you have something similar in your own life that you may take for granted because of its constant nature.  In fact, how often do I walk past a bed of flowers and take a minute to take in the wonder of the delicate details?  How often do I ponder what to eat for dinner forgetting to be thankful that I am blessed to eat dinner?  Not only do I eat dinner, but I can have Indian, Mexican, Thai, American, Italian, or McDonald’s!  The Lord has given us variety in His creation from plants, to animals, to landscapes, to faces!  We don’t eat just manna, we don’t only sit on rocks, there is more than one color, there is more than one climate!  We can taste, feel, see, hear, and touch our environment!  WOW!  Psalm 33:5 declares that “the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord”.

Why is this?  Genesis chapter 1 tells us that the Lord created all of the heavens and the earth and declared them GOOD.  He is the author of goodness.  He is the definition of goodness.  And yet, since we experience His goodness on a daily basis…since it is so constant and abundant…we esteem it lightly.  Sister, this should not be.

Our Lord is good in another way that I often take for granted: Genesis 3 reports to us the beginning of the curse of the earth.  Sin entered when Adam did not trust that the Lord was good when the Lord told him not to eat of that one tree.  He believed the serpent was right and God was withholding a good thing.  From that point on the earth has been cursed and death cannot be avoided.  Yet even in this, God is good.  The first time we ever commit sin, we deserve death.  Yet the Lord in His goodness delays this punishment.  We live and breathe another day.  We receive another chance for repentance.  Sister, that is because of the goodness of the Lord.

Lastly, and most shockingly, the Lord’s ultimate goodness was seen not only by not having our sin punished immediately, but putting our punishment on His own perfect son.  Jesus took our punishment for sin and gave us His righteousness.  We are now adopted sons with full inheritance of God’s family!  We have eternal life because our sins have been forgiven!  How often do we dwell on this?  How often does the goodness of the Lord compel you to thank Him and treat others out of this thankfulness?  Do you despise the Lord by forgetting His goodness?

Oh may we not forget His constant and abundant goodness or think it as mundane.  May I thank Him for my red hair while I am also stopping to smell the roses.

Your Sister in Christ,
