What’s In Your Heart?

Dear Sister,

Tis the season of hearts, love, and longing. My own heart-attitude came to mind as I journaled this to the Lord today: “Establish an attitude of humility in Your servant. Perhaps there is where I need to start. Too often the top…leader…teacher…mother instead of the humble bond slave. I want to be Your bond slave, Lord, for I know You are gentle and merciful, all-wise and patient.”

As I wrote this, the reluctance I had prior—a need not to be trampled on, to be overwhelmed by others’ demands, to not be boundariless—dissolved because I realized I wasn’t called to become a servant chained to other flawed people and their desires, but a servant to the Lord—He will guide me as He sees fit and that is right, acceptable, and good because I know His character, I can trust in His heart. He will stretch me and allow circumstances and others to try me, but for my good. Though I may serve others, I am to always be His handmaiden—serving where He directs.

This heart is a precious, valuable tool—each of us only have one—it is well we should guard it! I cringe to remember how often I have thrust it out ahead of me in situations and with people, blindly ‘feeling’ along—hoping that will land me where my desires will be fulfilled. I love the verse, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” Prov. 4:23. A friend pointed this out during the time I was dating as a reminder to be cautious with the relationships I allowed in my life, and quite correctly; however the verse should not just be applied to dating relationships, but to all things that can affect the heart—for good or ill.

Proverbs is often called the book of Wisdom, and I believe it may also be called the book of the Heart as that is where we should cultivate wisdom: “For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.” Prov. 2:10.

Although our hearts should grow with God’s wisdom, at the same time they are still tainted with sin—it will be a constant battle on this earth keeping our hearts moving on God’s path and not straying toward sinful desires. Therefore, our hearts must trust in God and not our own ‘wisdom.’ “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.” Prov. 3:5. We should know the nonsense of “follow your heart” and “do what feels right” is pure folly. “Every man’s way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts. “ Prov. 21:2; and, “He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he who walks wisely will be delivered.” Prov. 28:26. Ingesting God’s Word, following His principles, having a relationship with Him (not a fleeting, shallow, pray only during emergencies-type of relationship, but a continual, daily, enduring relationship) results in the true cultivation of and right direction for our hearts.

This Valentine’s Day, consider allowing our Lord to woo your heart. He loves you with an everlasting love and He battled to the death for you. Let Jesus be your ultimate love—setting His seal on your heart.

Running with you,