Coffee and the Psalms

Dear sister,

Wait…before I start I need to get myself a cup of coffee. I’m a bit of a coffee snob. I need to grind the beans, preferably a dark roast that hasn’t been open for more than a week, then boil water for my French press. I let it steep for a little more than five minutes to get a full body flavor without the bitterness. Then I need a glass or ceramic mug that I can hold with two hands as I shrug my shoulders together to savor the richness. I have to drink it while it’s fresh to be able to enjoy the heat, smell, feel, and taste of each sip. Ahhhhh, that was a good cup. I implore you to go make this aromic, delectable treat for yourself…I’ll wait.

Now, what was I doing? Oh yes, writing about praise. Praise is a proper response to something and/or someone you enjoy. You give credit where credit is due and call others to enjoy it with you. As you can see, I REALLY enjoy a cup of coffee while reading or writing. It’s calming and helps me relax in my task. In fact, I enjoy it so much that I tell others about it and proclaim its glory! I have even worked at Starbucks to learn more about it and upon traveling to Ethiopia, I bought beans that were roasted before my eyes and filled with such flavor I have never forgotten the experience. My husband has even become a coffee snob as a result of the praise I have for coffee. My individual praise of a simple thing of a good cup of coffee has led others to praise and enjoy it too.

I find as a believer though, it is sometimes easier for me to praise the things that are set before me rather than the Creator who made all things. I praise my husband, Annabelle, a good meal, a riveting and clean TV show, or a good book, but I forget to first praise the Creator who is responsible for every good and perfect thing. The Psalms are full of praises to the Lord for military victory, His creation, His salvation, His provision, His Word, and life. The Psalmist often finds his spirit lifted after searching for ways to Praise the Lord. I also find my heart lifted when I praise the Lord in song or in fellowship with other believers. I know He is praiseworthy and giving Him praise fills me with joy, does it do that for you, sweet sister?

Praising our children, husbands, and a good cup of coffee is not bad, but let us not lose sight of who deserves the ultimate praise for giving us these things. Let us, like the psalmist, draw others to praise the Creator who has blessed us with senses, emotions, and a lifetime to enjoy His vast and variable creation. Let us call others to praise and enjoy our Father who adopted us in Christ with full inheritance for eternity! Let us praise and boast of the only Being who truly deserves all our praise! Let’s start now:

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
 The King of creation

O my soul, praise Him 
For He is thy health and salvation

All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near
Praise Him in glad adoration

Praise to the Lord
 Who o’er all things so wonderfully reigneth

Shelters thee under His wings
 Yea, so gladly sustaineth

Hast thou not seen how thy desires e’er have been

Granted in what He ordaineth

Praise to the Lord 
Who doth prosper they work and defend thee

Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee

Ponder anew what the Almighty can do

If with His love He befriend thee

Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him

All that hath life and breath 
Come now with praises before Him

Let the ‘amen’ sound from His people again

Your sister,