Are We Satisfied?

Dearest sister,

New Year’s resolutions. Secretly, I think most of us have them: Eat less sugar, read more, have 6 months of salary in savings, and watch less TV. At least these are a few that come to my mind. You may have the same list or maybe a bit different…but we all have some kind of measuring stick we use to measure this year’s desired dramatic change. We may even spiritualize it and say, “How can I be more godly this year?” What would that look like, though? Would what we look like and how much wealth we have be one measuring tool for our godliness?

Funny, isn’t it? One part of me thinks that selling all I have and living simply would show my incredible godliness. After all, the disciples left everything they had to follow Jesus. But then there is another part of me that thinks the Lord rewards those who are faithful with little, more…so if I have prosperity, it would be an indicator of my godliness, right? I’m so confused!

The Bible does say money is the root of all evil…wait, no…it’s the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. What does that mean? It means loving money (or anything else) more than the Lord is the root of all kinds of evil. It doesn’t say having or not having money is evil or even a measure of godliness. Selling everything to look more holy is for selfish gain (just ask Ananias and Saphira), which does not glorify the Lord. Living a life to gain more money is also for selfish gain. We are glorying in ourselves on both accounts. We serve a jealous God who will not share His glory with another. The cool thing is that He has told us what the ultimate thing to glory in is…Himself! That is where real joy and contentment lie, glorying in the Creator and Savior of the world!

Paul says it best in Philippians 4, “for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need (11b-12).” And what is this best kept secret? Being satisfied in what he has in Christ. Having our goal this year (or any year or day) to be more prosperous, eat less sugar, read more, or watch less TV will not necessarily define success, contentment or godliness in our lives. Our goal for each moment is to glorify the Lord by being satisfied in Christ. Our measuring tool of godliness is not in earthly things (however much or little we have), our measuring tool is in satisfying myself in the heavenly things. Does my life show me living for the Lord’s kingdom or my own? Am I living for health and wealth or can I say with Paul, that I have found the secret of being content in all circumstances, being satisfied in Christ?


2 Replies to “Are We Satisfied?”

  1. Loved this. It’s all in the motivation. I don’t think there is anything wrong with a wish list of things we are working towards getting, or a bucket list or a desire for a mate, more children etc… I am completely satisfied with Christ and I would give up everything I own if He asked me too. ( with only a little fight/temper tantrum-I am human and not perfect by any means) but there are things I desire, places I would love to get to visit (live) that are on my wish list. Do I desire them more than Christ?-No. Would I sell my soul to obtain, achieve them?-No. Contentment does not mean doing nothing, it means being joyful where I am and joyful wherever Christ takes me.

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