Bold From Broken

Simon Peter must have had red hair.  His loud, obnoxious, and no filter personality fits with what I know about red heads…probably because I am one. The gospel of Luke was influenced mostly by Peter as Luke travelled with Peter a lot after the resurrection and I can only imagine the history that Peter poured out to this detail oriented doctor.  What we are told is that Peter was a fisherman that left his full nets of fish to follow a stranger that called him.  He was so sure of this man being the Messiah that he trusted him with his life and sustenance.  Yet throughout the gospel, we read how he would confess his faith in Jesus…and then waiver a few verses later.  “Who do you say that I am?” And Peter answered, “The Christ of God (Lk 9:20).” Yet we find out in Matt 16:22-23, this same confessor told this Christ that he cannot die and be raised again a few moments after his amazing confession. Jesus then rebuked him strongly.

Then the time came for Jesus to die.  Despite the fact he told Peter over and over again that it must happen, Peter missed it. Peter proudly told Jesus in Luke 22:33-34 that he was ready to go both to prison and to death for Jesus even though Jesus had told him that Peter will deny Him three times. Jesus then called him to stay with him in the garden while he prayed but Peter fell asleep. He tried two more times and still, he could not keep his eyes open to comfort his master.  Then Jesus was taken.  Peter followed him to the courtyard and this great confessor melted under the boast of a little girl saying that he was with Jesus.  He answered her by cursing himself!  Then the rooster crowed.  Worse than that, Luke declares that Jesus turned and looked at Peter at the final echoes of the crow (Lk 22:61).  Oh my heart!  Yes!  I have done that too!  Boldly claimed my trust in Christ yet fold in the painful throws of adversary.  I balk at Peter, yet then realize how my faith wanes when circumstances don’t play out like I thought they would.

Will Peter ever get it? Will his faith remain in this Messiah despite what he sees or thinks will happen?

Jesus dies.  The earth shakes.  The skies darken.  The curtain is torn in two.  Dead people are now alive again and walking around Jerusalem.  Peter hides with the other disciples. What is going on!?!?! Friday ends, Saturday ends, then Sunday begins.

Suddenly a gate rattles and the disciples hear Mary yelling at them to open it!  They go to the women at the gate and listen as they hysterically proclaim that the tomb is empty!  They went to prepare the body, but now it isn’t there!  Peter ran to the tomb (Lk 24:12).  I’m sure he stood amazed in wonder.  What happened?  Could it be? Can he believe it to be true?  He went back to the other disciples to tell them what he saw.

Then suddenly, Jesus appeared!  He spoke to them! They freaked out and thought he was a ghost (Lk 24:36-43)! These men who walked with him for three years and heard him say he had to die and be raised, were in shock when it actually happened.  Jesus showed his hands, his side, and even ate to prove to them he was alive!  I can see Peter standing with his mouth open and heart full!  I can imagine him falling at his feet in sorrow for his disbelief yet shaking in the excitement of his presence!  He’s ALIVE! Death had been conquered! Forgiveness had been gifted to him, to Peter!  To all that trust in Christ!  The final sacrifice had been made!  Jesus walked them again through scripture, from the fall, through the prophets, that this must happen for man to be restored to God (Lk 24:44-49).  Then they watched Him ascend back to heaven to his rightful place next to the Father.

Peter changed.  He no longer doubted.  He travelled the world to tell everyone about this Christ.  He died by hanging on a cross…yet he did not want to die like his Savior, so he asked to be crucified upside down!  Who does that for a lie?  The resurrection changed everything for Peter!

How about you and me sister? Have you thought about how powerful this resurrection is?  How life changing it is?  It changed the calendar.  It changed the day we worship to Sunday. No other god out there has made this resurrection claim.  They can’t! They are all still in the grave! Our faith means nothing if this resurrection did not happen. We have no hope of being restored to our creator without it.  This brash, bold Peter who flipped his alliances so easily in the beginning never doubted again.  I want my red-headed personality to be like that!  To never doubt in the dark again what I have seen in the light!  The resurrection has changed me too!

Blessings and Grace,
